Online Lectures/JavaScript Unit Testing - The Practical
Section6: Advanced Testing Concepts
Nomad Kim
2023. 4. 5. 06:37
More Key Testing Library APIs
- toBe() vs toEqual()
- Testing Asynchronous Code
- Using Setup & Cleanup Hooks
toBe vs toEqual()
Use "toEqual" method for deep-comparison on values not address of the object. In contrary, toBe method does shallow comparison.
Testing Asynchronous Code
case1. callback
use DoneCallback
- Vitest and Jest will pick up errors and consider the test to have failed and show the reason why it failed.
- But if using done, errors won't be picked up by test runner.
- This shows Error: Test timed out in 5000ms.
- Thus, necessary to use try-catch.
- Test will not wait for any inner callback functions to finish.
- Should add “done” after the end of testing code completed.
- Then, test(Vitest and Jest) will wait until done is called.
- And then, it will run expect codes.
case2. promise
1. resolves method
expect(Promise result).resolves.(wanted method)
2. async-await syntax
it("should generate a token value", async () => {
const testUserEmail = "";
const token = await generateTokenPromise(testUserEmail);
Setup & Cleanup Hooks
1. beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll
- when using identical variables for testing and needing reset the variables, hooks are required to use as above
- If there are suites using global variable, beforeAll or afterAll is useful.
- or if there are each single tests using global variables, beforeEach or afterEach is required.
2. concurrent
- there are 2 ways of executing tests in parallel for speed-up
1. describe.concurrent(()=>{
include tests!
2. it.concurrent on each tests